Hi ! welcome to my web - portofolio
Future Web Developer for Hire


I'm currently studying at Hacktiv8 and soon to be a fullstack website developer. I love to learn new things and collaborate with new people. I've been studying in computer science for almost 4 years by now, i still have to learn more in this knowledge area. I'm comfortable with any OS either windows or unix distribution, for example i'm able to operate windows, OS X, Ubuntu (Linux), Kali (Linux), and so on. I also have been a junior network engineer for a year, i get used to deal with computer networking problem back then, and now i want to focus on being a web-developer instead

I set my goals to be a fullstack web-developer, but if i ain't able to do so, i prefer to be a backend developer instead. I'm very passionate to work on servers and terminal or console. I also want to be a DevOps or Data scientist if i'm not competent enough in web development area. that's all about me for now. gonna update this soon.

Education & Experiences



School's Islamic Spiritual Club Website Administrator

Voluntary Pre-School School Teacher

Voluntary Middle School Teacher

Lead Android Developer on Campus Project

Junior Network Administrator

My Current Skills for Work & Contact


Web Development




Computer Network


Adobe Multimedia


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